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Table 1 Suggested CTV delineation

From: POstmastectomy radioThErapy in Node-posiTive breast cancer with or without Internal mAmmary nodaL irradiation (POTENTIAL): a study protocol for a multicenter prospective phase III randomized controlled trial








Chest wall

Caudal edge of the sterno-clavicular joint

Caudal edge of the contralateral breast

Within 1 cm to the midline of the body (guided by palpable/visible signs of free skin flap or the contralateral breast)

Mid-axillary line (guided by palpable/visible signs of free skin flap or the contralateral breast)

Skin surface

Anterior edge of the pectoralis minor muscle; includes the pectoralis major muscle and the interpectoral space

Supraclavicular fossa

Caudal edge of the cricoid cartilage

5 mm below the subclavian vein

Medial edge of the internal jugular vein, excluding the thyroid and the common carotid artery

Medial edge of the trapezius muscle and the pectoralis minor muscle

Posterior surface of the sternocleido mastoid muscle and platysma muscle

Ventral surface of the scalene muscle bundle

Infraclavicular fossa (Axilla level III)

Pectoralis minor muscle inserts on the coracoid process

5 mm caudal to the axillary vein cross medial edge of the pectoralis minor muscle

Medial edge of the collar bone and ribs; lateral edge of the junction of the subclavian and internal jugular veins

Medial edge of the pectoralis minor muscle

Posterior surface of the pectoralis major muscle

Dorsal to the subclavian vein and axillary vein (anterior edge of the ribs)

Axilla level II

Cranial edge of the pectoralis minor muscle

Caudal edge of the pectoralis minor muscle

Medial edge of the pectoralis minor muscle

Lateral edge of the pectoralis minor muscle

Posterior surface of the pectoralis major muscle

5 mm dorsal of the axillary vein, or the ventral edge of the ribs and the intercostal muscle

Axilla level I

Axillary vein cross lateral edge of the pectoralis minor muscle

To the level of rib 4–5

Lateral edge of the pectoralis minor muscle

Medial edge of the latissimus dorsi muscle

5 mm anterior the plane defined by the anterior surface of the pectoralis major muscle and the latissimus dorsi muscle

Anterior surface of the subscapularis muscle

IMN region

5 mm caudal to the subclavian vein, thus connecting to the caudal border of the infraclavicular fossa

Cranial edge of the fourth rib

5 mm medial to IM vessels

5 mm lateral to IM vessels

5 mm anterior to IM vessels, excluding the chest wall

5 mm posterior to IM vessels, excluding the lung

  1. Abbreviations: CTV, clinical target volume; IMN, internal mammary nodal