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Fig. 6 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 6

From: Downregulation of CCL22 and mutated NOTCH1 in tongue and mouth floor squamous cell carcinoma results in decreased Th2 cell recruitment and expression, predicting poor clinical outcome

Fig. 6

NOTCH1 mutations in T/MF SCC samples decrease Th2 cell differentiation. Pathways enriched by mutated genes in (A) early- and (B) advanced-stage T/MF SCC samples. RTK-RAS and NOTCH signaling were the top two pathways in T/MF SCC. (C) Comparison of mutated genes between early- and advanced-stage T/MF SCC samples. NOTCH1 mutations occurred significantly less in early-stage than in advanced-stage T/MF SCC (11% vs 20%). (D) NOTCH signaling activation score in early- and advanced-stage T/MF SCC calculated using ssGSEA. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. (E) NOTCH1-Th2 cell differentiation pathway activation score in early- and advanced-stage T/MF SCC calculated using ssGSEA. The NOTCH1-Th2 cell differentiation pathway was activated to a greater extent in early-stage than in advanced-stage T/MF SCC (P = 0.040)

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