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Table 1 (a) Number of participants and (b) patient characteristics

From: Head and neck cancer patients’ preferences for individualized prognostic information: a focus group study




1. small laryngeal carcinomas treated with radiotherapy / laser

6 (28.6%)

6 (31.6%)

2. extensive oral cavity surgical procedures

2 (9.5%)

2 (10.5%)

3. total laryngectomy

4 (19.0%)

6 (31.6%)

4. chemoradiation

5 23.8%)

3 (15.8%)

5. other treatmentsa

4 (19.0%)

2 (10.5%)

Total no. of participants per focus group (%)b

21 (100%)

19 (100%)


NO. (%) / MEDIAN (Q1-Q3)


Age, years

65.0 (53.5 – 68.5)


Age range, years

33 – 78




12 (57.1 %)



9 (42.9 %)


Tumor localization


9 (42.9%)



2 (9.5%)


 oral cavity

3 (14.3%)



6 (28.6%)


 unknown primary

1 (4.8%)


Tumor stage


5 (23.8%)



3 (14.3%)



5 (23.8%)



7 (33.3%)



1 (4.8%)


Marital status

 married / durable relationship

19 (90.5%)



2 (9.5%)


Education level

 lower (primary education or less / lower secondary)

7 (33.3%)


 intermediate (upper secondary / post-secondary non-tertiary)

9 (42.9%)


 tertiary (short cycle tertiary / bachelor / master / doctoral)

4 (19.0%)





Median time between end of treatment and participation in the focus group (Q1 – Q3)

47 weeks (35 – 64)

  1. a For example neck dissection or local resection
  2. b Two patients were treated for cancer recurrence by a total laryngectomy, the remaining were treated for a primary head and neck tumor