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Table 3 Risk of bias assessment for the included model development/validation studies

From: Development, validation and effectiveness of diagnostic prediction tools for colorectal cancer in primary care: a systematic review

Model (author offirst version)

Stage of development covered

I. Participantselectiona

II. Predictorsa

III. Outcomea

IV. Samplesize andparticipantflowa

V. Analysisa

RAT (Hamilton) series of models for colorectal and meta-staticcancer [33, 36, 43]}


Apparent performance







External validation (colorectal only) [27]






QCancer (Hippisley-Cox) series of models for colorectal andmultiple sites for females and males [22, 23, 37, 38]


Internal validation







External validation (colorectal only) [23]






Bristol-Birmingham (Marshall) [29] model for colorectal cancer


External validation







External validation (Elias and colleagues,2017) [27]






Netherlands’ (Fitjen 1995 [28]) model for colorectal cancer


Apparent performance







External validation (Hodder and colleagues,2005) [40]







External validation (Elias and colleagues,2017) [27]






Netherlands’ (Kop) [32] ‘machine learning’ for colorectal cancer


Apparent performance






Danish (Nørrelund 1996 [31]) model for colorectal cancer


Apparent performance







External validation (Elias and colleagues,2017) [27]






Netherlands’ (Muris 1995 [30]) model for abdominal complaints


Apparent performance







External validation (Elias and colleagues,2017) [27]






Prediction model for abdominal cancers(Holtedahl and colleagues, 2018) [39]

Holtedahl, 2018

Apparent performance






  1. Abbreviations: RAT (s) Risk assessment tool(s), SR2 Systematic review 2
  2. Notes:amultiple ordered by stage of development if different
  3. Key: ✓, low risk of bias; x, high risk of bias; ?, unclear risk of bias