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Table 1 Standards for maximum scores on 4 DASH diet indexes

From: Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diets and breast cancer among women: a case control study

Standards for maximum score


Dixon’s DASH index

In womena

Sex-specific (women)

Mellen’s DASH indexb

Fung’s DASH indexc

Sex-specific (women)

Günther’s DASH indexd,e,

Based on age, sex and activity

Dietary components for which greater intakes receive higher score

 Total fruit

≥4 servings/df


Fifth quintile

≥4 servings/df

 Total vegetables

≥3 servings/df,g


≥4 servings/df

 Vegetables without potatoes


Fifth quintile


 Total grains


≥6 servings/df

 Whole grains

≥4 servings/df,g


Fifth quintile


 High-fiber grains


≥50% of total grain servings/df,h

 Total dairy products

≥2 servings/df


≥2 servings/d6

 Low-fat dairy products


Fifth quintile

≥75% of total dairy servings/df,h

 Nuts, seeds, legumes

≥3 servings/df


Fifth quintile

≥4 servings/wkf



≥18% of total daily kcal




≥14.8 g/1000 kcal per day




≥238 mg/1000 kcal per day




≥590 mg/1000 kcal per day




≥2238 mg/1000 kcal per day


Dietary components for which lower intakes receive higher scores

 Meat/meat equivalents

< 6 oz. (170 g)/df


 Meat, poultry, fish, eggs


≤2 servings/df

 Red and processed meat


First quintile


 Sugar-sweetened beverages


First quintile




≤5 servings/wkf

 Fats, oils


≤3 servings/df

 Added sugar

≤3% of total daily kcal


 Total fat


27% of total daily kcal


 Saturated fat

≤5% of total daily kcal

≤6% of total daily kcal




≤71.4 mg/1000 kcal per day




≤1143 mg/1000 kcal per day

1st quintile


 Total score (points)





  1. aSubjects receive 0 points for not meeting and 1 points for meeting the recommendation
  2. bSubjects receive 1 points for meeting a target, 0.5 points for meeting an intermediate target, and 0 points for meeting neither target
  3. cFor recommended components, the highest quintile receives 5 points, and the lowest quintile receives 1 point; for components for which lower intakes are desirable, the lowest quintile of intake receives 5 points and the highest quintile of intake receives 1 point
  4. dStandards are based on recommendations for a 2000 cal diet; different standards are available for 3 other energy intakes (1600, 2300, and 3100 kcal) according to sex, age and levels of physical activity
  5. eComponents are scored from 0 to 10, except for total dairy, low-fat dairy, whole grains, and high-fiber grains which are scored from 0 to 5
  6. fValues are based on the Pyramid Servings database
  7. gA total of 4 servings were based on the Dietary Guidelines recommendation for most grains to be whole, that Dixon et al. defined as 67% [11]
  8. hIf servings of total grains or total dairy were 0, components of high-fiber grains or low-fat dairy products would receive 0 points