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Fig. 3 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 3

From: Up-regulation of GLI1 in vincristine-resistant rhabdomyosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma

Fig. 3

Cell viability and GLI1 expression in VCR-resistant cell lines. a VCR-resistant cell lines retained viability to a greater extent when treated with VCR than their corresponding parental cell lines. MTT assays were conducted in triplicate. Averages (bars) and standard deviations (brackets) are shown. * = statistically significant difference in viability between the parental (black bars) and VCR-resistant (red bars) cell lines at a given VCR concentration. b Western blots showed up-regulation of GLI1 in VCR-resistant RMS (Ruch-2VR, Rh30VR, Rh41VR) (left panel) and EWS (TC71VR) (right panel) cell lines compared with their corresponding parental cells (Ruch-2, Rh30, Rh41, TC71). GAPDH was used to indicate equal loading between lanes. Size markers in kD are shown. The blots have been cropped and full-length blots are presented in Supplementary Figure 3B. Microsoft Exel and Adobe Photoshop were used to prepare Figure 3

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