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Fig. 6 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 6

From: The effects of combination treatments on drug resistance in chronic myeloid leukaemia: an evaluation of the tyrosine kinase inhibitors axitinib and asciminib

Fig. 6

Combination index plots showing drug interactions in KCL-22 cells. Fractional inhibition is the complement to fractional velocity (i.e. 1 - fv), thus higher fractional inhibition is equivalent to slower growth. CI >1 indicates antagonism, whereas CI < indicates synergy. The Shaded grey regions show 89% compatibility intervals around the mean. a: Simulated perfectly exclusive and nonexclusive drug combination. b: KCL-22 cells not previously subjected to treatment. The results reveal that the combination of asciminib and dasatinib is not entirely non-exclusive (compare to panel a)

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