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Table 2 Benefits and drawbacks of molecular tumour profiling (n = 569) *

From: Patient perspectives on molecular tumor profiling: “Why wouldn’t you?”





Access to personalised therapy

328 (42%)

No drawbacks

176 (38%)

Research would help others, contribute to scientific advance

250 (32%)

Coping with negative results and possibly other negative information

94 (20%)

Identify cancer risk for family members

141 (18%)

Discrimination/privacy/insurance fears

45 (10%)

Provides hope and possible cure

34 (4%)

Sceptical of science; possible inconclusive or false results

36 (8%)

Gives me certainty, control

10 (1%)

Responsibility or guilt for genes; fear of bearing bad news to family

33 (7%)

Exhausting all options, ticked all boxes

10 (1%)

Burden of study – travel, surveys, waiting for results

29 (6%)

Testing is easy and non-invasive

2 (0%)

Possibility inaccessibility of drug trials if an actionable result was found, or receiving a placebo drug

28 (6%)



18 (4%)

  1. May choose more than one