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Table 1 Study eligibility criteria

From: Effectiveness of a therapeutic patient education program in improving cancer pain management: EFFADOL, a stepped-wedge randomised controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

- Patient suffering from a cancer diagnosed since at least 1 month

- Pain related to the pathology or its treatment and/or to the sequelae of disease and its treatment (ongoing or not):

- treated with analgesics since at least 1 month

- moderate to severe intensity, unbalanced, in the previous week:

• Pain intensity ≥4 (on a 0–10 numerical rating scale)

• OR leading to insomnia

• OR > 4 daily breakthrough pain

• OR interference with daily activities

- Patient with a life expectancy ≥6 months

- Health compatible with the PEP requirements (WHO performance scale ≤2)

- Patient with a signed informed consent before inclusion of the study

- Patient ≥18 years old

- Patient able to understand, speak and read French

- Patient without cognitive dysfunctions

Exclusion criteria

- Primary central nervous system cancer or brain metastases

- Documented cognitive disorders

- Progressive psychiatric disease

- Drug user

- Heavy drinking, superior to the WHO recommendations

- Patient refusal to participate