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Table 2 Patient characteristics and exposure to regorafenib treatment

From: First-line single-agent regorafenib in frail patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: a pilot phase II study of the Spanish Cooperative Group for the Treatment of Digestive Tumours (TTD)


N = 47

Gender, n %


26 (55)


21 (45)

Age (years), median [range]

81 [63–89]

ECOG PS, n %


5 (11)


25 (56)


17 (36)

Frailty criteria, n %

 Dependence for daily activities

8 (17)

 History of comorbidities

13 (28)

 Geriatric symptoms

6 (13)

 Dependence + Comorbidities

8 (17)

 Dependence + Geriatric features

6 (13)

 Comorbidities + Geriatric Features

2 (4.3)

 Dependence + Geriatric Features + Comorbidities

4 (8.5)

Primary tumor site, n %


32 (68)


14 (30)


1 (2.1)

Metastatic at first diagnosis, n %

30 (64)

Metastatic sites, n %


31 (66)


29 (62)


11 (23)


1 (2.1)

Number of organs involved by M1 disease, n %


17 (36)


14 (30)


12 (25)


2 (4.3)


2 (4.3)

Prior surgery, n %

31 (66)

Prior radiation therapy, n %

6 (13)

Prior adjuvant chemotherapy, n %

7 (15)

 Capecitabine alone

4 (0.8)


3 (0.6)

Exposure to regorafenib

 Dose intensity (mg/day), median [range]

91 [58–121]

 Relative dose intensity (mg/day/theoretical total dose), % [range]

0.76 [0.48–1.01]