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Table 2 Interview assessments (N = 29)

From: Longitudinal evaluation of Supportive care Prioritization, Assessment and Recommendations for Kids (SPARK), a symptom screening and management application


n (%)

SPARK Reports

 Participant viewed SPARK symptom report

23 (79.3)

 SPARK symptom report shared with others

9 (31.0)

 Correct understanding of SPARK reports assessed in cognitive interviewsa

  Single administration report (all symptoms, Fig. 1)

29 (100.0)

  Specific symptom score in single administration report

29 (100.0)

  Symptom over time, multiple administration report (Fig. 2)

29 (100.0)

  Specific day in symptom over time report

29 (100.0)

Experience with SSPedi Completion

 Completed SSPedi more than once per day

2 (6.9)

 Daily SSPedi completion frequency

  Too much


  Too little


  About right

29 (100.0)

 Likelihood of daily completion

  1 – not likely at all





5 (17.2)


16 (55.2)

  5 – very likely

8 (27.6)

 Ease of completing SSPedi

  Very hard




  Neither hard nor easy

1 (3.4)


8 (27.6)

  Very easy

20 (69.0)

  1. Abbreviations: SSPedi Symptom Screening in Pediatrics tool, SPARK Supportive care Prioritization, Assessment and Recommendations for Kids
  2. aAs assessed by two research associates rated on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = completely incorrect to 4 = completely correct, where correct was defined as a score of 3 or 4