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Table 3 Final ePRO self-report items

From: Developing a real-time electronic symptom monitoring system for patients after discharge following cancer-related surgery

ePRO self-report itemsa (n = 35)

1. Did you have any trouble taking a short walk outside of the house?b

19. Have you had itching?b

(a) Has this itching been due to another condition e.g. dry skin, eczema or allergies?

2. Did you need to stay in bed or a chair during the day?b

20. Have you had fevers?b

(a) Is this a current issue?

3. Did you need help with eating, dressing, washing yourself or using the toilet?b

21. Have you had chills?b

(a) Is this a current issue?

4. Were you short of breath?b

(a) Have you been short of breath when just sitting down or resting?

22. Have you had pain?b

5. Have you had trouble sleeping?b

23. Did pain interfere with your daily activities?b

(a) Is this a current issue?

6. Have you felt nauseated?b

(a) Is your nausea or vomiting stopping you from drinking or eating?

24. Did you need to rest?b

7. Have you vomited?b

(a) Is your nausea or vomiting stopping you from drinking or eating?

25. Have you felt weak?b

8. Have you been constipated?b

(a) Are you passing wind?

26. Were you tired?b

9. Have you had diarrhoea?b

(a) Is this a current issue?

27. Have you lacked appetite?b

(a) Is this a current issue?

10. Have you had a dry mouth?b

28. Have you had problems eating solid foods?b

(a) Could you currently eat solid foods?

11. Have you had trouble with acid or bile coming into your mouth?b

29. Have you had problems eating liquidised or soft foods?b

(a) Could you currently eat liquidised or soft foods?

12. Have you had acid indigestion or heartburn?b

30. Have you had problems drinking liquids?b

(a) Could you currently able to drink liquids?

13. Have you had difficulty swallowing your saliva?b

(a) Have you been unable to swallow and had to spit out your saliva?

31. Have you had to have any sort of feeding tube fitted to help with nutrition?c

14. Have you choked when swallowing?b

(a) Is this a current issue?

32. Has your surgical wound been red, warmer than the surrounding skin, swollen or had any leaking fluid?b

(a) Is this a current issue?

15. Have you coughed?b

(a) Is this a current issue?

33. Has your surgical wound been painful to touch?b

16. Have you had abdominal swelling?b

(a) Are you passing wind?

34. Have you had any other side effects? (Please state)c

17. Have you had a sore mouth or tongue?b

35. Have you contacted any health professional regarding any problems? (Please state)c

18. Have you been concerned by your skin or eyes being yellow (jaundiced)?b

(a) Is this a current issue?

  1. aAll ePRO self-report items prefixed with ‘During the past week …’
  2. bResponse options ‘Not at all’; ‘A little’; ‘Quite a bit’ and ‘Very much’
  3. cResponse options ‘Yes’ or ‘No’