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Table 1 Demographics, smoking history, and family history by prior cancer group for 16,630 participants in the CGN (1998–2012)

From: Are rare cancer survivors at elevated risk of subsequent new cancers?


No prior cancers (N = 5684)

≥1 prior common cancer (N = 8604)

≥1 prior rare cancer (N = 2342)

Overall (N = 16,630)

Median (range) follow-up time (years)

7.1 (0–14.9)

7.9 (0–14.6)

4.9 (0–12.3)

7.3 (0–14.9)

Age at enrollment (years)

  < 40

1399 (25%)

383 (5%)

269 (12%)

2051 (12%)


2663 (47%)

3567 (41%)

963 (41%)

7193 (43%)

  > 60

1622 (28%)

4654 (54%)

1110 (47%)

7386 (45%)

Female sex

3416 (60%)

4889 (57%)

1584 (68%)

9889 (59%)

Ever used tobacco products

1902 (33%)

3870 (45%)

826 (35%)

6598 (40%)

Any first-degree relative with cancer

5077 (89%)

5849 (68%)

1470 (63%)

12,396 (75%)