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Table 1 eligibility criteria

From: A systematic review of non-standard dosing of oral anticancer therapies

Eligibility Criteria



•Studies of malignant disease

•Studies of patients aged ≥18 years

•Studies of oral SACT with non-conventional dosing

•Studies examining the prescribing practices using unlicensed (non-standard) doses or schedules of oral SACT


•Late phase clinical trials

•Cohort studies

•Cross-sectional studies

•Retrospective studies

•Observational studies

•Case-control studies


•MHRA: reports, legislative documents

•Studies of parenteral SACT (e.g. IM, IV, SC, IT)

•Studies of oral SACT where non-conventional dosing has been used, but cannot be extracted independently of other reported data

•Studies comparing different licensed doses of oral SACT for the same antineoplastic indication

•New standard dose-finding studies

•Animal studies

•Early phase clinical trials

•Pharmacokinetic studies

•Narrative reviews

•Opinion papers

•Education papers



•Conference abstracts