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Table 1 Clinical response rate and pathological response rate to neoadjuvant chemotherapy

From: Predictive value of lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio in the preoperative setting for progression of patients with breast cancer

pathological response

all breast cancer (n = 239)

TNBC q(n = 83, 34.7%)

non-TNBC (n = 156, 65.3%)

pCR: pathological complete response

 CR: complete response

91 (38.1%)

40 (48.2%)

51 (32.7%)

non-pCR: non-pathological complete response

 PR: partial response

118 (49.4%)

34 (41.0%)

84 (53.8%)

 SD: stable disease

25 (10.5%)

7 (8.4%)

18 (11.5%)

 PD: progressive disease

5 (2.0%)

2 (2.4%)

3 (2.0%)

RR (CR + PR):response rate

209 (87.5%)

74 (89.2%)

135 (86.5%)

  1. TNBC triple-negative breast cancers