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Fig. 8 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 8

From: Estrogen receptor α dependent regulation of estrogen related receptor β and its role in cell cycle in breast cancer

Fig. 8

ERRβ is a regulator of cell cycle and inhibition of ERRβ leads to cell proliferation. a Western blots and densitometry analysis showing changes in the expression of cell cycle markers, such as p21cip, p18 and cyclin D1 upon the over expression of ERRβ in MCF7 cells. b, c ERRβ was ectopically expressed in ER + ve breast cancer cells, after 48 h the mRNA levels of p21cip were examined by RT-PCR and RT-qPCR, p21cip was significantly up-regulated. All the results were obtained from three independent experiments and each done in triplicates, 2-group unpaired t-test was used to obtain p-values and p < 0.05 considered as significant (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001). d Fluorescence- activated cell sorting assay (FACS) showing increase of cell fractions in G0/G1 phase upon ectopic expression of ERRβ in MCF7 cells

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