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Table 3 PV Treatment Patterns and Concomitant Medications During the Follow-Up Period

From: Cytoreductive treatment patterns among US veterans with polycythemia vera

Treatment, n (%)

Patients With PV (N = 7718)

PV-related treatmenta

 Pharmacologic cytoreductive treatmentb

1787 (23.2)


1550 (20.1)


206 (2.7)


132 (1.7)

  Interferon or PEGylated interferon

90 (1.2)


15 (0.2)


2531 (32.8)

 Pharmacologic cytoreductive treatment and phlebotomy

688 (8.9)

 No cytoreductive treatment or phlebotomy

4088 (53.0)


1815 (23.5)

 Antiplatelet agents, not including aspirin

1511 (19.6)

Common concomitant medications

 Antihypertensive agents

6671 (86.4)

  ACE inhibitors

4226 (54.8)

 Antilipid/anticholesterol agents

4882 (63.3)

 Antidiabetic agents

2163 (28.0)


1313 (17.0)

 Inotropic agents

580 (7.5)

 Antiarrhythmic agents

362 (4.7)

  1. ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme, PV polycythemia vera
  2. aRuxolitinib received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration for patients with PV who have had an inadequate response to or are intolerant of hydroxyurea after the end of the study period
  3. bPatients receiving pharmacologic cytoreductive treatment may have also received phlebotomy
  4. cPatients receiving phlebotomy may have also received pharmacologic cytoreductive treatment
  5. dIncludes both prescribed and over-the-counter aspirin and may underrepresent actual aspirin use