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Table 2 Demographic data of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing hepatectomy (n = 1935)

From: RAM score is an effective predictor for early mortality and recurrence after hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma


No. (%)


No. (%)

Gender (Male vs. Female)

1511 (78.1) vs. 424 (21.9)

Surgical complications (major vs. minor/none)k

205 (10.6) vs. 1730 (89.4)

HBVb surface antigen (Positive)

1067 (55.2)

Daughter nodule (Yes)

435 (22.5)

Hepatitis C virus (Positive)

568 (29.3)

Cirrhosis (Yes)

984 (50.8)

Non-B Non-Cc (Yes)

248 (12.8)

Capsule (Yes)

1552 (80.2)

Child-Pugh Classification (A / B / C)

1863 (96.3) / 27(1.4) / 1(0.1)

Rupture (Yes)

143 (7.4)

Comorbidity (Yes)

739 (38.2)

Vascular invasion (Yes)

693 (35.8)

 Diabetes Mellitus (Yes)

405 (20.9)


Median (IQR)p

 Hypertension (Yes)

434 (22.4)

Age (year-old)

60 (50–69)

 ESRDd (Yes)

38 (2.0)

ICG-15e (%)

7.42 (4.07–12.56)

Smoking (Yes)

453 (23.4)

Albumin (g/dL)

4.19 (3.80–4.40)

Alcohol (Yes)

294 (15.2)

Bilirubin total (mg/dL)

0.7 (0.5–0.9)

Age ≤ 65 (year-old)

1264 (65.3)

Platelet (1000/uL)

172 (129–216)

ICG-15e ≤ 10 (%)

1167 (60.3)


1.1 (1.0–1.1)

Albumin > 3.50 (g/dL)

1678 (86.7)

Creatinine (mg/dL)

1.00 (0.81–1.20)

Bilirubin total ≤ 2.0 (mg/dL)

1894 (97.9)

Pre-OP CEAl (ng/mL)

2.22 (1.35–3.38)

Platelet > 100 (1000/uL)

1688 (87.2)

Pre-OP CA-199m (U/mL)

22.11 (10.63–37.73)

INRf ≤ 1.4

1914 (98.9)

Pre-OP α-fetoproteinn (ng/mL)

23.30 (5.49–328.28)

Pre-OP treatmentg (Yes)

189 (9.8)

Tumor size (cm)

3.6 (2.4–6.5)

Pre-OP symptomsh (Yes)

496 (25.6)

OP durationo (minutes)

254 (194–330)

Inflow controli (Yes)

1351 (69.8)

Blood loss (mL)

300 (100–500)

Procedure (Major resection(%))j

596 (30.8)

  1. aonly patients with available data were analyzed
  2. bhepatitis B virus
  3. cHCC patients had neither HBV nor HCV infection
  4. dend-stage renal disease
  5. eindocyanine green retention test at 15 min
  6. finternational normalized ratio
  7. gpreoperative treatments included transarterial chemoembolization, percutaneous ethanol injection and radiofrequency ablation
  8. hpreoperative symptoms included anemia, jaundice, palpable mass and ascites
  9. iinflow control included Pringle’s maneuver, Glissonian pedicle control, selective vascular control and total vascular exclusion
  10. jmajor resection included tri-segmentectomy, right/left lobectomy, and extended right/left lobectomy
  11. kmajor surgical complications included grade III-IV surgical complications
  12. lpreoperative serum carcinoembryonic antigen level
  13. mpreoperative serum carbohydrate antigen19-9 level
  14. npreoperative serum α-fetoprotein level
  15. oduration of operation
  16. pinterquartile range