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Fig. 2 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 2

From: Updating vital status by tracking in the community among patients with epidemic Kaposi sarcoma who are lost to follow-up in sub-Saharan Africa

Fig. 2

The predicted risk of not being found after phone and physical tracking attempts among patients with Kaposi sarcoma who were lost to follow-up at primary care sites in four countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The prediction is limited to patients who gave consent for tracking and who had sufficient information to attempt physical tracking. Predictions for each site and duration since becoming lost were derived from a generalized linear model and have been adjusted for age, sex, duration since KS diagnosis at last visit, and antiretroviral therapy use. Each prediction represents the mean value of predictions across all patients in the dataset (“marginal” prediction) at their observed values of age, sex, duration since KS diagnosis at last visit, and antiretroviral therapy use. Calculations were performed using the margins command in Stata. AMPATH denotes Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare in western Kenya; ISS denotes Immune Suppression Syndrome Clinic in Mbarara, Uganda; UATH denotes University of Abuja Teaching Hospital in Abuja, Nigeria; NHA denotes National Hospital Abuja in Abuja, Nigeria

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