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Table 5 The proposed interpretation of possible mechanisms behind distribution of Ki-67 values among subgroups of different immunohistochemical cancer phenotypes

From: Distribution of Ki-67 values within HER2 & ER/PgR expression variants of ductal breast cancers as a potential link between IHC features and breast cancer biology

HER2 & ER/PgR Breast cancer phenotypes

Model proposed subdivision of breast cancers, based on mitotic activity

LMA (low mitotic activity) Ki67 < 25%

IMA (intermediate mitotic activity)Ki-67 25–65%

HMA (high mitotic activity)Ki-67 > 65%


0+ to 3+

ER + PgR+

~67% of all patients

probably HER2 dependent mitotic rates, thus intermediate mitotic rates seem dependent on the increased HER2 expression

~ 1% of all patients

high mitotic rate due to unknown promiotic mechanism

ER + PgR-

~26% of all patients

mitotic rates do not seem closely regulated by normal HER2 expression (0+ to 2+), HER2 3+ increases number of IMA tumors


~6% of all patients

high mitotic rate due to unknown promiotic mechanism, HER2 3+ reduces number of HMA tumors

Open questions

168 out of 769 LMA cancers were HER2 3+

Can HER2 molecules in HER2 3+ & LMA cancers be dysfunctional?

99 out of 323 IMA cancers were HER2 absent

Is there another promitotic mechanism in HER2 absent & IMA tumors, particularly in 55 ER + PgR+ cancers?

43 out of 106 triple-negative & HER2 absent cancers were HMA

What promotes the highest mitotic rates in HER2 absent ER-PgR- tumors?