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Table 4 Distribution of breast cancer patients of a certain ER/PgR phenotype according to HER2 expression, tested by χ2 tests. These are the results of the second stage of EM clustering that identified the three overall clusters of Ki-67 values. Dark grey marks the fields in which observed frequencies were above the expected frequencies, while the light grey marks the opposite situation. HER2 overexpression in ER+PgR+ cancers increased the share of IMA tumors and reduced the share of LMA tumors (p=0.000243). Similar trends in ER+PgR- cancers were not significant (p=0.186968). Among ER-PgR- cancers, HER2 overexpression has reduced the share of HMA tumors, while increasing shares of other two clusters, particularly of IMA tumors (p<0.000001)

From: Distribution of Ki-67 values within HER2 & ER/PgR expression variants of ductal breast cancers as a potential link between IHC features and breast cancer biology