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Table 3 Baseline anti-hypertensive drugs in patients with a history of hypertension

From: Incidence and risk of hypertension in patients newly treated for multiple myeloma: a retrospective cohort study


MM Patients

(n = 3002)

Non-MM Patients

(n = 5750)

Anti-hypertensive drug, n (%)

All drugsa

2141 (71%)

4082 (71%)


1704 (80%)b

3339 (82%)b


1113 (52%)b

2180 (53%)c

 Calcium channel blocker

1081 (50%)b

1773 (43%)c


914 (43%)b

1723 (42%)c

 Any other drugs

53 (2%)b

102 (2%)c

  1. ACE-I: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, ARB: angiotensin II receptor blocker, MM: multiple myeloma
  2. aAll anti-hypertensive drugs included diuretics, ACE-I, ARBs, calcium channel blockers and other (alpha blockers, alpha-2 receptor agonists, beta-blockers, central agonists, combined alpha and beta blockers, peripheral adrenergic inhibitors, renin inhibitors and vasodilators)
  3. bPercentage derived from n = 2141 MM patients treated for hypertension
  4. cPercentage derived from n = 4082 non-MM patients treated for hypertension