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Table 1 Information content and delivery by stage and invitation group

From: The Lung Screen Uptake Trial (LSUT): protocol for a randomised controlled demonstration lung cancer screening pilot testing a targeted invitation strategy for high risk and ‘hard-to-reach’ patients





(mode, messenger, recipients, time)

Control arm

Intervention arm


Mailed 3–4 weeks prior to the appt

From GP (signature and letterhead) All patients

Pre-invitation letter notifying the patient of the lung health check service

Information booklet mimicking so far as possible ‘the facts’ booklets for cancer screening programmes

Identical pre-invitation letter to control

Targeted information leaflet introducing the tests using a low burden approach including:

- content designed to reduce fear, fatalism, stigma

- explanation and diagram to show how early treatment can work

- quotes from interview participants to address stigma and highlight benefit

- emphasis on non-judgemental service


Mailed 2–3 weeks prior to the appt

From GP (signature and letterhead) All patients

Letter inviting patients for a lung health check including:

- statement that smokers and ex-smokers are being invited

- pre-scheduled appointment

- contact details to cancel/rearrange/further information

- information to help journey planning (map/address/stations/buses)

Second copy of information booklet.

Control letter with one exception:

- statement changed to say that people who have ever smoked are being invited (rather than smokers and ex-smokers specifically)

Second copy of targeted information leaflet

Brief essential information on the reverse side of the letter including details for requesting free copy of information booklet (phone or online)


Run by Research Nurse

All patients attending the appt

Information booklet (same as mailed previously).

Nurse-led facilitation of informed decision-making

Identical to control


Mailed ≥4 weeks after missed appt

From GP (signature and letterhead) Patients who miss their appointment without cancelling

Letter re-inviting the patient for a lung health check appointment with similar content to the invitation letter

Control letter with one exception:

- statement changed to say that people who have ever smoked are being invited (rather than smokers and ex-smokers specifically)