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Fig. 10 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 10

From: A potent betulinic acid analogue ascertains an antagonistic mechanism between autophagy and proteasomal degradation pathway in HT-29 cells

Fig. 10

2c treatment causes declination of Proteasome degradation pathway. HT-29 cells were treated with 2c and then subjected to measure three subtypes of proteasomal activities. As shown in figure there is a gradual time dependent decrease in the proteasomal activities i.e. downregulation of (a) chymotrypsin-like, (b) trypsin-like and (c) caspase-like enzyme activities occurs with respect to control according to different time intervals (12, 24, 48 h). Values are mean ± S.D and represent at least three experiments (**P <0.05 compared to control)

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