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Fig. 5 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 5

From: Milk consumption in relation to incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in 48 countries/regions

Fig. 5

Relationships between ASIR of NPC per 105 person-years and cream (CRF) in 48 countries/regions in males (top) and in females (bottom), 1998–2002. DZA: Algeria, EGY: Egypt, TUN: Tunisia, UGA: Uganda, ZWE: Zimbabwe, ARG: Argentina, BRA: Brazil, CHL: Chile, COL: Colombia, CRI: Costa Rica, ECU: Ecuador, PER: Peru, CAN: Canada, USA: USA, CHN: Mainland China, HKG: HKSAR, CYP: Cyprus, IND: India, ISR: Israel, JPN: Japan, KOR: Korea, KWT: Kuwait, MYS: Malaysia, PAK: Pakistan, PHL: Philippines, SGP: Singapore, THA: Thailand, TUR: Turkey, AUT: Austria, BGR: Bulgaria, DNK: Denmark, FIN: Finland, FRA: France, DEU: Germany, ISL: Iceland, IRL: Ireland, ITA: Italy, MLT: Malta, NOR: Norway, POL: Poland, PRT: Portugal, ESP: Spain, SWE: Sweden, CHE: Switzerland, NLD: Netherlands, GBR: United Kingdom, AUS: Australia, NZL: New Zealand

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