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Table 4 Lifestyle behaviors of the sample

From: Prevalence and correlates of healthy lifestyle behaviors among early cancer survivors



Meet recommendations


Mean (SD)

Median (IQR)

Yes, n (%)

No, n (%)

Smoking (n = 250)




108 (43.2)




97 (38.8)




45 (18)

Alcohol consumption (n = 244)1


184 (75.4)

60 (24.6)



58 (22.8 %)


 Social (n = 186)


126 (67.7 %)


 Excessive (n = 186)


60 (32.3 %)

  Male drinkers (n = 60)1.1


39 (65 %)

21 (35 %)

  Female drinkers (n = 126)1.2


87 (69 %)

39 (31 %)

Vegetable consumption2 (n = 248)

167.7 (90.8)

150 (107.2 -203.6)

68 (27.4)2.1

180 (72.6)

Fruit consumption3 (n = 252)

1.8 (1.1)

2 (1-2)

138 (54.8)3.1

114 (45.2)

Physical activity in MET-min/week4


 Walking (n = 234)

1299.3 (1188.5)

924 (396 – 2079)


 Moderate (n = 232)

1600.6 (1623.8)

1200 (210 – 2400)


 Vigorous (n = 235)

962.9 (1734.5)

0 (0 -1440)


 Total MET-min/week (n = 247)4.1

3657.6 (3293.4)

2613 (1284 – 5145)

216 (87.4)4.2

31 (12.6)

  1. Notes: n: numbers of participants; SD: standard deviation; IQR: interquartile range; MET: Metabolic Equivalent of Task
  2. 1 number of alcohol consumptions per week; 1.1 male: ≤ 14 drinks per week; 1.2 female: ≤ 7 drinks per week
  3. 2 vegetable consumption per day in grams; 2.1 ≥ 200 g vegetables per week
  4. 3 number of fruit servings (à 100 g) a day. Up to 100 g fruit may be replaced by 150 g of fruit juice. 3.1 at least 2 servings of fruit per week
  5. 4 MET-min/week = metabolic equivalent*minutes per week; 4.1 Total MET-min/week = walking + moderate + vigorous; 4.2 > 600 MET min p/week