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Fig. 1 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 1

From: Comparative transcriptomics reveals similarities and differences between astrocytoma grades

Fig. 1

Expression changes and functional categorization of differentially expressed genes for different astrocytoma grades. a, Number of differentially expressed genes identified for each type of astrocytoma in comparison to normal brain references at an FDR of 0.0001. An additional log-fold-change cutoff (LFC) of two was used for the first three categories to focus on genes with strong expression changes. b, Number of differentially expressed genes annotated in selected functional categories: essential genes, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, cancer census genes, phosphatases, kinases, metabolome pathway genes, signaling pathway genes, and transcriptional regulators (see Methods for details). Significant enrichment of genes in a category within a tumor type is represented by ’*’ (P<0.05) and ’**’ (P<0.01) (Fisher’s exact test)

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