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Table 1 Focus group interview guide and key discussion questions

From: A qualitative study of women’s views on overdiagnosis and screening for thyroid cancer in Korea

ㆍSelf-assessment of health and health behavior including cancer screening

ㆍOverall knowledge of cancer, cancer prevention, and screening

ㆍKnowledge of thyroid cancer and thyroid cancer screening

ㆍPerceptions of overdiagnosis

ㆍProvide information on thyroid cancer screening and overdiagnosis


-Thyroid cancer screening incidence, mortality, and survival rates in Korea: incidence has increased 15-fold over the past two decades; the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. Almost all newly identified thyroid cancers are tiny papillary thyroid tumors (very slow-growing, highly unlikely to go on to cause symptoms, and much less death). Mortality rates have not budged over the past 20 years; 5-year relative survival rate is almost 100 %.


-Introduction to thyroid cancer screening: test with ultrasonography costs 30 to 50 USD


-Definition of overdiagnosis: diagnosis of thyroid cancer that may not go on to cause symptoms or death in your life time


-Harms of overdiagnosis: unnecessary effects of thyroidectomy: a lifelong calcium-metabolism condition; vocal cord paralysis, etc.

ㆍPros and cons of thyroid cancer screening and changes in intentions to undergo screening in the future

ㆍInformation needs for thyroid cancer screening