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Table 2 Overdiagnosis frames adopted by Australian breast screening experts

From: Framing overdiagnosis in breast screening: a qualitative study with Australian experts


Defining the problem

The reasons for the problem

Value judgement

Proposed or implied solution

1. Overdiagnosis is harming women

Breast screening is resulting in significant harm to women because of overdiagnosis

The harms associated with overdiagnosis are significant in both quantity and quality

Breast screening programs should pay more attention to avoiding the serious harms of overdiagnosis

Reduce overdiagnosis either by performing targeted screening or by reducing screening overall

2. Stop squabbling in public about overdiagnosis

The public discussion of overdiagnosis is generating negative publicity which may reduce breast screening participation & is therefore a disservice to women

Exaggeration of harms in public debates is causing confusion amongst women and threatening participation rates.

Breast screening commentators should give priority to delivering health benefits (saving lives)

Confine discussion about overdiagnosis to academic circles only, avoiding public confusion

3. Don’t hide the overdiagnosis problem from women

The breast screening program is not facilitating informed choice amongst women

There is a deliberate lack of communication about overdiagnosis from breast screening providers because of a desire to maximise breast screening participation

Breast screening should give absolute priority to promoting autonomy via informed choice

Fully inform women about overdiagnosis

4. We need to know the overdiagnosis rate

It is not clear how much overdiagnosis is present in breast screening

There is huge variation in overdiagnosis rates due to different methodologies and/or data sets; differences in the way overdiagnosis figures are presented hampers interpretation by non-epidemiologists

Overdiagnosis research should be more rigorous, robust and consistent

Commit to reaching a consensus on appropriate methodology & the way we report the figures

5. Balancing harms and benefits is a personal matter

It is not clear how to compare the harms & benefits of breast screening

It is impossible for experts to definitively compare harms & benefits because they are qualitatively different

Breast screening decision making should be guided by a consumer-orientated process, which takes into account public attitudes to harms and benefits

Use deliberative methods to inform policy decisions; support individual consumers to make personal decisions about participation

6. The problem is overtreatment

Breast screening is resulting in overdiagnosis which leads to overtreatment of some women

Management of some women with cancer is sometimes unnecessarily aggressive because we don’t know enough about the natural history of screen detected lesions

While it is important that screening continues to save lives, we should seek ways to reduce harms from unnecessary (over) treatment

Ongoing education for pathologists; renaming non-invasive lesions; research into prognostic biomarkers, targeted treatments & less aggressive management regimes; patient centred care