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Table 2 Matrix of change objectives for the performance objective “Manage daily tasks efficiently”

From: The Kanker Nazorg Wijzer (Cancer Aftercare Guide) protocol: the systematic development of a web-based computer tailored intervention providing psychosocial and lifestyle support for cancer survivors

Reduce cancer-related fatigue




Skills and Self-Efficacy

Perceived Behavior of Others

Outcome Expectations

PO.1. Manage daily tasks efficiently


Aw.1. Become aware of planning and structure of own daily activities

At.1. Feel positive about reorganizing daily activities

SSE.1. Feel confident about managing daily activities

PBO.1. See fellow survivors acknowledging the importance managing daily activities

OE.1. Expect that managing daily tasks efficiently can reduce feelings of fatigue

PO.1.1. Alternate mental and physical activities

K.1a. Describe the importance of alternating mental and physical activities

Aw.2. Become aware whether mental and physical activities are alternated in own daily scheme


OE.2. Expect that alternating mental and physical activities can reduce experiences of fatigue

K.1b. Recall advice on alternating activities

PO.1.2. Take small moments of rest divided over the day

K.2a. Describe the importance of taking small moments of rest

Aw.3. Become aware whether daily rest is divided in small moments over the day


OE.3. Expect that taking small moments of rest divided over the day can reduce experiences of fatigue

K.2b. Recall advice on taking rest

PO.1.3. Take adequate measures to not exceed personal limits

K.3a. Recall possible signals of exceeding personal limits


At.2. Feel positive about guarding personal boundaries

SSE.2. Feel confident about recognizing signals and taking adequate measures

PBO.2. See fellow survivors acknowledging the importance of not exceeding personal limits

OE.4. Expect that taking adequate measures when exceeding limits can reduce experiences of fatigue

K.3b. Recall effective measures when exceeding limits

PO.1.4. Say “no” to a request when it is too much to handle

K.4. Describe steps to undertake to effectively say “no” to others


At.3. Feel positive about saying “no” to others

SSE.3. Feel confident about saying “no” to others

PBO.3. See fellow survivors acknowledging the importance of saying “no” to others

OE.5. Expect that others generally accept when receiving “no” to a request

PO.1.5. Make a structured plan of daily activities

K.5. Summarize advice on making a structured plan


SSE.4. Demonstrate ability of making an efficient plan by incorporating advice in the new plan


OE.6. Expect that making a new plan will help in dealing with fatigue