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Figure 2 | BMC Cancer

Figure 2

From: Impact of diabetes type II and chronic inflammation on pancreatic cancer

Figure 2

Characterisation of diabetes and pancreatitis. (A) The average blood glucose concentration of two measurements per mouse (day 0 and day 20) for each cohort is given for sham treated non-diabetic (lean Sham) or diabetic (obese Sham) mice and in cerulein treated non-diabetic (lean Cer) or diabetic (obese Cer) animals. (B) Comparison of the lipase activity in the blood between the four cohorts indicates induction of pancreatitis on day 8. (C) Evaluation of the pancreas weight on day 20 indicates pancreatic atrophy after induction of chronic pancreatitis. (D) Immunohistochemistry on day 20 indicates collagen I deposition (brown colour) in the pancreas after cerulein induced chronic pancreatitis in lean and obese mice. (E) Evaluation of α-smooth muscle actin expression by immunohistochemistry (brown colour) on day 20 indicates moderate activation of periacinar stellate cells by cerulein in lean mice and strong activation in obese mice (arrows point at blood vessels, arrowheads point at stellate cells). Box plots indicate the median, the 25th and 75th percentiles in the form of a box, and the 10th and 90th percentiles as whiskers. The number of animals evaluated was n = 11 (lean Sham), n = 10 (lean Cer), n = 11 (obese Sham), n = 13 (obese Cer). Significant differences between the cohorts are indicated, *P ≤ 0.006. Bars = 50 μm.

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