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Figure 4 | BMC Cancer

Figure 4

From: Functional characterization of E- and P-cadherin in invasive breast cancer cells

Figure 4

E- and P-cadherin modulate transcriptional changes. A: Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of the gene expression patterns induced by E- or P-cadherin expression. Columns represent microarray experiments, and rows gene expression of the 149 genes modified at least two-fold with respect to control cells. Intensity of color is a function of the gene expression level as depicted in the scale bar. B: Identification of genes differentially expressed (with a statistical significance of FDR < 0.15) between 231_E-cadh and 231_P-cadh cells. C: Validation of microarray data of selected genes by qRT-PCR. Bars represent mean gene expression ± SEM (mRNA levels relative to control B2M transcript) from four different experiments.ARHGDIB is down-regulated and VEGFC is over-expressed in 231_E-Cadh and 231_P-cadh cells compared to control cells. MMP14 is down-regulated only in 231_P-cadh clones.

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