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Figure 1 | BMC Cancer

Figure 1

From: Gene expression relationship between prostate cancer cells of Gleason 3, 4 and normal epithelial cells as revealed by cell type-specific transcriptomes

Figure 1

Prostate cancer cell gene expression. A: Cancer CD phenotype. Serial sections of human prostate from specimen 05-179 were stained for CD10, CD13, and CD26. Cancer glands in these serial sections are not stained for CD10 (top left) and CD13 (top right), whereas a single benign gland (lower left in the photomicrographs) is; original magnification 200×. Cells in the cancer glands, like luminal cells of benign glands, are positive for CD26 (bottom left). In the higher magnification (400×, bottom right), the cancer cells show the characteristic prominent nucleoli. B: Dataset clustering. The relationship of the CD26+ cancer cell transcriptome to that of CD49a stromal, CD31 endothelial, CD26 luminal or CD104 basal is shown. Whole transcriptomes were used to generate Euclidean distances. The self replicates of CD26+ cancer (blue) are in the middle. C: Gene expression in virtual Northern blot format. Affymetrix signal values are represented on a gray scale. The cell type-specific transcriptomes are listed on the top with red arrowheads to identify CD26+ cancer and luminal. C4-2, CL1, CL1.1, CL1.31, DU145, LNCaP, PC3 are cancer cell lines.

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