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Figure 4 | BMC Cancer

Figure 4

From: Characterization of TEM1/endosialinin human and murine brain tumors

Figure 4

Tem1/endosialin expression in mouse brain tumor models. A. Induction of Tem1/endosialin in intracranial U87MG xenografts grown in nude mice. ISH with mouse specific riboprobes detected Tem1/endosialin (Tem1) in tumor (T) but not normal mouse brain (NL). Probes for mouse vWF were used as a positive endothelial control (vWF). Original magnification, 200×. B. Survival of nude TEM1/endosialin WT and KO mice after intracranial injection with 105 U87MG glioblastoma cells. Animals sacrificed after 100 days showed no evidence of tumor take. C. Tumor vessels stained for vWF in intracranial xenografts from nude TEM1/endosialin WT or KO mice. Size bar, 50 μm. D. Comparison of vessel numbers from nude TEM1/endosialin WT and KO tumors. Ten non-overlapping high power fields were counted per animal. Error bars, standard error of the mean. *p = 0.001.

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