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Table 1 Operationalisation of survey statements

From: The development of an arm activity survey for breast cancer survivors using the Protection Motivation Theory

Theory construct

Appraised by

Survey statements

Perceived Threat of lymphoedema

Perceived severity of lymphoedema

â–  Having arm swelling would or does significantly alter my lifestyle

â–  Arm swelling is a minor side-effect

â–  People with arm swelling suffer a lot

â–  Swelling in the arm can look very severe

â–  The possibility of developing or worsening arm swelling worries me


Perceived vulnerability to lymphoedema

â–  I am not at risk of developing or worsening arm swelling

â–  My chances of developing or worsening arm swelling is low

â–  People who have had the same breast cancer treatment as me are vulnerable to arm swelling

â–  It is unlikely that swelling will occur or worsen in my arm

Perceived coping by the response of protecting arm

Perceived response efficacy

â–  Arm swelling is inevitable and there is little anyone can do to prevent it

â–  Doing strenuous activities with my affected arm puts me at risk of developing or worsening arm swelling.

â–  Repetitive arm activities will not cause arm swelling

â–  Resting my affected arm will increase my chances of developing or worsening arm swelling


Perceived self-efficacy

â–  I am confident in my ability to avoid strenuous work

â–  Strenuous work is part of my lifestyle so I must do it regardless of any advice given

â–  I will rest and protect my affected arm even though it may be inconvenient

Perceived threat of musculoskeletal symptoms

Perceived severity of musculoskeletal symptoms

â–  My quality of life will be reduced if arm weakness or restriction developed following breast cancer treatment

â–  I will be happy to live with limited shoulder range as a result of breast cancer treatment

â–  Arm swelling or restriction does not worry me as much as arm swelling does.


Perceived vulnerability to musculoskeletal symptoms

â–  Other people who had the same surgery as me have problems with shoulder restriction

â–  I may get arm weakness following breast cancer treatment

â–  Stiff shoulders are not common after breast cancer treatment

Perceived coping by the response of performing strenuous arm exercise

Perceived response efficacy

â–  Doing strenuous arm exercises will help me gain arm strength and prevent weakness

â–  In my opinion, you must exercise the arm strenuously to achieve full shoulder range


Perceived self-efficacy

â–  I can quite easily perform a strenuous exercise routine to strengthen and stretch my arm muscles

â–  I am confident in doing a strenuous exercise routine by myself

Perceived norms of arm protection versus strenuous arm exercises

Perceived norms of arm protection versus strenuous arm exercises

â–  Health professionals have told me to be protective of my arm and avoid strenuous arm work

â–  My family and friends have told me to rest my arm

â–  Health professionals approve of strenuous arm exercises


The intention to engage in arm protective behaviours

â–  I plan to avoid any strenuous arm activities

â–  I plan to protect my arm in any way possible so as not to develop or worsen arm swelling

â–  I use my arm more cautiously now compared to before my breast cancer interventions


The intention to engage in strenuous arm exercises

â–  I plan to do strenuous arm exercise

â–  I plan to do lighter, easier arm exercises

â–  It is important for me to return to using my arm the same way as I would have before breast cancer treatment