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Table 2 Heterozygotes and T-allele frequencies in population controls and meningioma patients. Alleles were identified by exon 18 PCR amplification followed by SSCP as described [12].

From: Implications of a RAD54L polymorphism (2290C/T) in human meningiomas as a risk factor and/or a genetic marker

Groups and number of patients or tumour samples

Heterozygosis frequencya

Group comparison for heterozygotes vs. homozygotesb

T-allele frequencyc

Group comparison for T-allele frequencyb

A) Control blood from Ecuador N = 149

29/149 (0.195)


31/298 (0.104)


B) Control blood from Spain N = 87

15/87 (0.172)

A-B) OR = 1.160 (0.583 – 2.309) P = 0.7313

19/174 (0.109)

A-B) OR = 0.878 (0.5175 – 1.734) P = 0.8776

C) Patients blood from Spaind N = 22

11/22 (0.500)

C-B) OR = 4.800 (1.758 – 13.103) P = 0.0036

13/44 (0.295)

C-B) OR = 3.421 (1.531 – 7.646) P = 0.0037

D) Meningioma tumours from Spaind,e N = 29

2/29 (0.069)

D-B) OR = 0.355 (0.076 – 1.660) P = 0.2327

11/49 (0.224)

D-B) OR = 2.357 (1.081 – 5.140) P = 0.0455

E) Meningioma tumours from Ecuadorf N = 41

30/41 (0.732)

E-A) OR = 11.285 (5.064 – 25.148) P < 0.0001

30/82 (0.366)

E-A) OR = 4.969 (2.773 – 8.905) P = 0.0001

  1. a Number of heterozygotes / number of cases or tumour samples. Frequency in brackets. b Odds Ratio (OR) with 95% confidence values in brackets and P value (two-sided Fisher's exact test) c Number of T-alleles / total chromosomes in group. Frequency in brackets. d Patients selected for LOH in 1p markers in tumour samples. Blood was unavailable in 7 of the patients. Data revised from Mendiola et al. 1999 (ref. 12)e Number of chromosomes is reduced to 49 for LOH found in 9 samples. f Archival paraffin samples as described in the methods. Hemizygosis was not evaluable due to lack of patients' blood.