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Table 2 Variables of interest for cases and controls

From: An ongoing case–control study to evaluate the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme

Patient characteristics

Primary CRA & CRC pathology variables2

Screening variables3

Patient unique ID

Tumour unique ID

Screening Health Authority cipher (NHAIS)

NHS number

Tumour status

Screening office code


Tumour description

Screening office reference

Case or control

ICD-10 code

Year of first invitation to bowel cancer screening

• C18 - Colon

• C19 - Rectosigmoid junction

• C20 - Rectum

Date of birth

Dates of diagnoses (all CRAs & CRCs)

For bowel/cervical/breast screening

Patient status (Alive or dead at end of study period)1

Tumour detection mode (all CRAs & CRCs)

Episode number

Date of death (where applicable)

Anatomical subsite (all CRAs & CRCs)

Episode type

Age at death (where applicable)

CRC Dukes' stage (& any subsequent restaging)

Episode date

Date of index tumour diagnosis

CRA villousness

Screen date

Age at index tumour diagnosis

Tumour size (all CRAs & CRCs)

End code

Died of primary CRC (where applicable)

Treatment/procedure at diagnosis (all CRAs & CRCs)

Flag: NHS or Screening Programme registration by age 60

Cancer registry

Any further treatment/procedure (all CRAs & CRCs)


Geographical area (as available in NCDR)

Optional: Dates of treatment (all CRAs & CRCs)


IMD quintile (or postcode)



  1. 1For cases and controls who died after date of index diagnosis of the case.
  2. 2Those variables will be retrieved for each neoplasia occurrence.
  3. 3All screening history.