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Table 4 Sunitinib and SU12662 CL/F and AUC 24,ss estimates for each past GI surgery subgroup

From: Effect of gastrointestinal resection on sunitinib exposure in patients with GIST


Past GI surgery subgroup

Major gastrectomy (n = 45)

Partial gastrectomy (n = 58 )

Small bowel resection (n = 118)

Combination of gastrectomy and small bowel resection (n = 8 )

Colon resection (n = 13)

Controls (n = 63)

Number of PK samples per subject, median (range)

7 (1–32)

9 (1–38)

7 (1–35)

10 (2–35)

13 (2–30)

7 (1–37)



  AUC 24,ss (ng*hr/mL)

1171 (1099–1248)

1294 (1228–1365)

1194 (1141–1250)

931 (676–1283)*

1325 (1109–1583)

1177 (1097–1263)

  CL/F (L/hr)

42.7 (40.1 - 45.5)

38.6 (36.6 - 40.7)

41.9 (40.0 - 43.8)

53.7 ( 39.0 - 74.0)*

37.7 (31.6 - 45.1)

42.5 (39.6 - 45.6)



  AUC 24,ss (ng*hr/mL)

520 (474–571)

567 (522–617)

492 (458–529)

354 (174–720)*

597 (457–779)

492 (435–555)

  CL/F (L/hr)

20.2 (18.4 - 22.1)

18.5 (17.0 - 20.1)

21.4 (19.9 - 23.0)

29.7 (14.6 - 60.4)*

17.6 (13.5 - 23.0)

21.4 (18.9 - 24.1)

  1. Abbreviations: AUC 24,ss Area Under the Concentration-time curve from time zero to 24 hours post-dose at steady state, CL/F apparent clearance, PK pharmacokinetic.
  2. Data are presented as geometric mean (95% CI) unless stated otherwise. *Significantly different compared to controls (p < 0.05).