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Figure 2 | BMC Cancer

Figure 2

From: Influence of pain severity on the quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer before antineoplastic therapy

Figure 2

Mean scores on the EORTC QLQ-H&N35 for patients with head and neck cancer according to the level of pain during the last 24 h (BPI-average pain intensity). The scales are as follows: HNSW, swallowing; HNSE, senses; HNSP, speech; HNSO, social eating; HNSC, social contact; HNSX, sexuality; HNTE, teeth; HNOM, opening mouth; HNDR, dry mouth; HNSS, sticky saliva, HNCO, coughing; HNFI, felt ill; HNPK, pain killers; and HNWL, weight loss. Higher scores indicate poorer functioning. Significance was determined by Kruskal-Wallis tests.

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