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Table 2 The weekly intervention program - exercise and health promotion counseling

From: Patient Activation through Counseling and Exercise – Acute Leukemia (PACE-AL) – a randomized controlled trial

WEEKLY PROGRAM 12 wks., 3 days/wk., 3-4 hours/wk. and daily walking






Training program incl. relaxation (1 hr.)


Training program incl. relaxation (1 hr.)


Training program incl. relaxation (1 hr.)

Protein snack


Protein snack


Protein snack

Guidance and motivation


Guidance and motivation


Guidance and motivation

step counter


step counter


step counter

Week 1

Week 2 - 11

Week 12

Walk program with step counter

Walk program with step counter

Walk program with step counter

Establish habitual level

Maintenance or progression

Maintenance or progression

Week 6

(1) Health counseling

(2) Health counseling

(3) Health counseling

(30-60 min)

(30-60 min)

(30-60 min)