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Figure 3 | BMC Cancer

Figure 3

From: Molecular fingerprinting reflects different histotypes and brain region in low grade gliomas

Figure 3

The best differentially expressed genes with qPCR between infratentorial and supratentorial LGGs. a) the best differentially expressed genes with qPCR between infratentorial and supratentorial LGGs. Relative gene expression for the best 5 differentially expressed genes selected with univariate Mann–Whitney test; b) in this plot we show the comparison between the microarray and the values of the estimated RLS classification function for each sample measured by both qPCR and microarray. The negative values are assigned to the infratentorial site, while positives are the supratentorial ones. The blue circles correspond to the correctly classified cases by qPCR. The red circles indicate the misclassified samples by qPCR. The green dots are the misclassified samples by the microarray model.

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