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Figure 4 | BMC Cancer

Figure 4

From: BAP1 deficiency causes loss of melanocytic cell identity in uveal melanoma

Figure 4

Loss of BAP1 does not promote growth of uveal melanoma in mouse flank and tail vein xenograft models. (a) Mouse xenograft flank injections in which 1000 or 500 BAP1-deficient or control 92.1 or OCM1A stable cells, respectively were injected into the flanks of NSG mice. (Left panel) 92.1 stable cells (Right panel) OCM1A stable cells. Tumor volume was measured at time of necropsy 64 days or 35 days after injection for 92.1 and OCM1A cells, respectively. (b) RNA expression levels of BAP1 in flank tumors formed from BAP1-deficient of control stable cell lines. RNA was isolated at time of necropsy. Expression is shown as fold change compared to control shRNA cells (c-d) Mouse xenograft tail vein injections in which 10,000 BAP1-deficient or control 92.1 stable cells were injected into the tail veins of NSG mice. Necropsy was performed 29 days after injection and liver metastasis was assessed (c) Representative cartoons of liver metastasis made from merged images of liver sections stained with H&E. Images were merged using Adobe Photoshop. Normal liver tissue is shown in grey and metastases are in black. Original H&E merged images are shown in Additional file 2. (d) Quantification of liver metastasis. Shown as the percent of tumor area compared to the total liver area. ImageJ software was used to calculate area (e) Mouse xenograft tail vein injections in which 500,000 BAP1-deficient or control OCM1A stable cells were injected into the tail veins of NSG mice. Liver and lung metastases were measured 30 days after injection. Metastases are shown as a percent of the total liver or lung area.

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