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Table 1 Questionnaire measures

From: Association between genomic recurrence risk and well-being among breast cancer patients

Predictor variables

No. of items (response scale)


Mean (SD)

Item wording (translated from Dutch)

Perceived understanding

5 items (4-point scale)


2.89 (0.42)

Did you find the verbal information clear?


Did you find the written information clear?


Did you find the information prior to the test clear?


Did you find the information about handling the results clear?


Did you find the total information clear, for making a careful decision?

Results received at the same visit

1 item (Yes/no)



Did you receive the test results on one occasion?


14 items (Yes, no, DK)


75% (0.17)

See Table 3

Risk perception

1 item (0-100%)



What do you think is the chance your cancer will come in the coming 10 years?


5 items (5-point scale)


2.06 (0.65)

How satisfied were you with the total medical care for breast cancer; with the time you had to wait for the test results; the total information provided; the way the results were conveyed; communication with the medical and nursing staff.




10 items (4-point scale; a little, some, very, a lot)


1.99 (0.79)

How did you feel when your doctor told you the [genomic] test results? relieved, glad, disappointed; sad; surprised; confused; upset; insecure; angry; helpless; anxious; guilty; sombre.

Cancer-specific worry

7 items (4-point scale)


1.79 (0.58)

During the last 4 weeks: how often have you thought about getting cancer again; how often do you worry about getting metastasis; needing chemotherapy again; did this affect your mood?

Quality of life

9 items (5 point scale)


26.44 (5.11)

Breast cancer subscale of the FACT-B

  1. *Cronbach’s alpha in the present study.
  2. DK, don’t know; NA, not applicable.