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Table 1 Characteristics of the studies and patients included in the analysis

From: Time-dependent endpoints as predictors of overall survival in multiple myeloma


(n = 22,696)



Age in years, mean of medians ± standard deviationa

61.3 ± 7.2

Multiple myeloma, no. of patients (study arms)


  Newly diagnosed

15,345 (128)

  Relapsed, refractory, or advanced

5,273 (68)

  Mixed or not reportedb

2,078 (34)

Duration of the studies (years), mean ± standard deviation

3.8 ± 2.0

Mean of median time-dependent endpoint, months (range)

22.5 (3–121)

  Time to progression

16.7 (4–39)

  Progression-free survival

22.7 (5–121)

  Event-free survival

25.7 (3–70)

Median overall survival in months, mean (range)

39.1 (8–126)

  1. aAge statistics represent the mean of medians because the majority of studies reported the median rather than the mean age of the studied population.
  2. bCorresponds to those studies including: newly diagnosed; relapsed, refractory, or advanced; or to those not differentiating the type of patients.