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Table 4 Characteristics of the study cohort: Lifestyle and health behaviours

From: Predictors of competing mortality to invasive breast cancer incidence in the Canadian National Breast Screening study


n = 89434(%)

Lifestyle and health behaviours


Practice BSE



44802 (50.10)


44632 (49.90)

Ever used oral contraceptives



53694 (60.04)


35740 (39.96)

Length of oral contraceptive used (months) (mean±SD)


Ever used estrogen, w/wo progesterone



24489 (27.38)


64945 (72.62)

Length of estrogens/progesterone used (months) (mean±SD)


Ever smoked



45091 (50.42)


44343 (49.58)

Cigarettes per day


 0 per day

44343 (49.58)


1907 (2.13)

 1-5 per day

6981 (7.81)

 6-10 per day

9023 (10.09)

 11-25 per day

21963 (24.56)

 26-50 per day

4939 (5.52)

 >50 per day

278 (0.31)

Ever had a mammogram



24429 (27.32)


65005 (72.68)

Number of mammograms



65088 (72.78)


16324 (18.25)


6610 (7.39)


1412 (1.58)