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Figure 2 | BMC Cancer

Figure 2

From: MicroRNA-34a is a potent tumor suppressor molecule in vivo in neuroblastoma

Figure 2

Effects of miR-34a on cellular phosphoprotein activation in NB1691 luc cells. NB1691luc (1 × 106) cells were reverse transfected with premiR-34a (30 μM) or a premiR-negative control molecule. Protein lysates were isolated after 48 hours and 10 μg of total cell protein was analysed for phosphoprotein alterations using the MILLIPLEX MAP 8-Plex Multi-Pathway Signalling Phosphoprotein Kit (Millipore Corp.,). ERK/MAP Kinase 1/2 activation significantly increased in miR-34a treated cells relative to premiR-negative control treated NB1691luc cells (p < 0.01 n = 3). Notably, activated STAT3, JNK and p38 levels tended towards a significant reduction relative to premiR-negative control- treated samples (p = 0.046, 0.07 and 0.009 respectively)

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