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Figure 1 | BMC Cancer

Figure 1

From: A high-throughput protocol for mutation scanning of the BRCA1 and BRCA2genes

Figure 1

Detection of both BRCA2 c.26delC mutant and wild type alleles where deoxyinosine is used at the c.-26G>A SNP. The red and blue samples both contain the c.26delC deletion but differ according to their genotype for the BRCA2 c.-26G>A polymorphism. The red profile is homozygous wildtype for the polymorphism. The blue profile is heterozygous for the polymorphism. The left panel shows the difference curves where the baseline comprises both wildtype (grey) and heterozygous (green) genotypes. The right panel shows the corresponding melting peak curves. The difference curves are independent of the SNP meaning that both alleles are equally amplified using the deoxyinosine containing primers

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