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Figure 3 | BMC Cancer

Figure 3

From: Re-expression of ARHI (DIRAS3) induces autophagy in breast cancer cells and enhances the inhibitory effect of paclitaxel

Figure 3

ARHI siRNA blocks TSA-mediated autophagy induction. (A) ARHI expression was knocking-down by siRNA. SKBr3 cells were treated with TSA and siRNA-ARHI (siARHI). siRNA-control (siControl) was used as the negative control. ARHI expression was detected by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. (B) TSA-mediated autophagy was blocked by ARHI siRNA. SKBr3 cells were treated with siControl or siARHI only, TSA+siControl or TSA+siARHI. Autophagy was detected by Flow cytometry-AVO analysis. The experiments were repeated three times, *p < 0.05, comparing with TSA/siControl. (C) One representive case of Flow cytometry-AVO analysis from (B). (D) Confocal fluorescent imaging of SKBr3 cells. The cells were co-transfected with a GFP-LC3 construct, and treated with siControl or siARHI only, TSA+siControl or TSA+siARHI.

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