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Table 1 Breast cancer surgery ICD 9th codes and definitions

From: Income level and regional policies, underlying factors associated with unwarranted variations in conservative breast cancer surgery in Spain

Breast cancer

174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast


174.0 Nipple and areola


174.1 Central portion


174.2 Upper-inner quadrant


174.3 Lower-inner quadrant


174.4 Upper-outer quadrant


174.5 Lower-outer quadrant


174.6 Axillary tail


174.8 Other specified sites of female breast


174.9 Breast (female), unspecified


233.0 Carcinoma in situ breast


V10.3 Breast. History of conditions classifiable to 174 and 175

Conservative mastectomy

85.20 Excision or destruction of breast tissue, not otherwise specified


85.21 Local excision of lesion of breast


85.22 Resection of quadrant of breast


85.23 Subtotal mastectomy

Non conservative mastectomy

85.33 Unilateral subcutaneous mammectomy with synchronous implant


85.34 Other unilateral subcutaneous mammectomy


85.35 Bilateral subcutaneous mammectomy with synchronous implant


85.36 Other bilateral subcutaneous mammectomy


85.41 Unilateral simple mastectomy


85.42 Bilateral simple mastectomy


85.43 Unilateral extended simple mastectomy


85.44 Bilateral extended simple mastectomy


85.45 Unilateral radical mastectomy


85.46 Bilateral radical mastectomy


85.47 Unilateral extended radical mastectomy


85.48 Bilateral extended radical mastectomy