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Table 2 Types of canine mammary columnar cell lesions and associated neoplastic alterations.

From: Columnar cell lesions of the canine mammary gland: pathological features and immunophenotypic analysis

Tumor types (**)





invasive carcinomas

12 (30.7)


5 (19.2)

19 (28.4)

   carcinoma in benign tumor

6 (15.3)

2 (100)

3 (11.5)


   solid carcinoma

2 (5.1)


2 (7.2)


   tubulopapillary carcinoma

4 (10.3)




ductal carcinoma in situ

7 (17.9)


13 (50.0) (*)

20 (29.8)

benign tumors

18 (46.1) (*)


3 (11.5)

21 (31.4)

   simple adenoma

3 (7.6)




   duct papilloma

7 (17.9)


1 (3.8)


   benign mixed tumor

8 (20.6)


2 (7.7)


without tumor

2 (5.1)


5 (19.2)

7 (10.4)


39 (100)

2 (100)

26 (100)

67 (100)

  1. (*)Flat epithelial atypia presence is often associated with in situ carcinomas and columnar cell lesion without atypia are more frequent in benign tumors (P < 0,05).
  2. (**)Misdorp,1999. International Histological Classification of Tumors of Domestic Animals.
  3. CCC: columnar cell change without atypia; CCH: columnar cell hyperplasia without atypia; FEA: flat epithelial atypia